Studex (piercing earrings)

Our Studex collection includes all the earrings you can get pierced with, either in our store by presenting the order number and the completely SEALED earring, with your favorite piercer, or with the help of someone ✨

  1. Daisy Gold Plated APR ♡.
  1. Sold Out
  1. Gold Plated ♡ 5mm Crystal Star Zirconia
    Sold Out
  1. Tiffany APR Crystal ♡ 3mm.
  1. Gold 10K BALL ♡ 3mm.
  1. Gold Plated Tiff ♡ 2mm APR.
  1. Sold Out
  1. Sold Out
  1. Stainless Tiff ♡ AB 4mm.
  1. Bezel Stainless Steel ♡ 3mm Apr Crystal
  1. Gold Plated Half Inch Hoop ♡.
  1. Stainless Steel Tiffany Pink ♡ 5mm.
    Sold Out
  1. Gold Plated Butterfly APR ♡
    Sold Out
  1. 10K Gold ♡ Daisy APR Crystal.
    Sold Out