Bride To Be 👰🏻‍♀️🤍

Our new collection of accessories for our bride to be!👰🏻‍♀️🤍

Each accessory is designed for that special moment for the mindoris who are going to get married, we want them to wear the ideal accessory and feel beautiful and comfortable at all times.✨

  1. Golden Radiance✨
  1. Radiant Gold Beam✨
  1. Rose Tear Glow✨
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  1. Tennis Lady Di🤍 Bride collection
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  1. Princess Cut Bracelet🤍 Bride collection
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  1. Sold Out
  1. Esmerald Ari Necklace🤍 Bride collection
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  1. Ariana Baby Blue Necklace🤍 Bride collection
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